Teachers Helping Teachers: Giving to Sandy Hook

The tragedy at Sandy Hook continues to weigh heavy on my mind and in my heart. I can't help thinking about the teachers, the students, and the staff as they now get ready to return to their new building. Another hurdle. How difficult will it be to make things "normal" again? How ...


Downtime? What's that?

Amy over at Step into 2nd Grade is hosting the next part of this linky...Downtime...HAHA!! I don't even know what that is anymore!  Let's see...if I have downtime in 2013 I would like to get back to reading for pleasure. That is one thing I love, but don't do so much ...


2013 Resolutions: Professional Growth & Technology Linky

It's that time of year....New Year's Resolutions! I don't like them! I'm not so good at them! (Is that a bad thing to confess?) I am  a procrastinator which makes it difficult to stay on task with promises made to myself. I manage to get things done though. I am extremely ...


Best and Brightest of 2012!

I came across this linky party, hosted by Christina at Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge, and was a little intimidated at first. After all, I've only been blogging since October, did I have enough to consider as my brightest and best in 2012? I gave it some thought and did come up ...


Merry Christmas!

I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I am spending my holiday at home with family and friends. Christmas Eve was spent at Mom's enjoying a traditional Italian seafood dinner! It was delicious! Christmas Day will find me home playing with gifts from Santa and just hanging ...


Warm Winter House Art Project & a Little Grammar

Sandy Hook continues to weigh heavy on my mind as the week continues on. I have spent this week connecting with my students, making them feel loved and safe at school. We have spent the week reading books, making winter crafts, and creating gifts for family and friends. We will ...


Thoughts on Sandy Hook

All weekend I've been trying to wrap my head around the tragedy in Connecticut. I keep thinking of the families left behind and the pain and heartache they must feel. I wouldn't even begin to say "I understand" because I don't. I keep asking, How does something like this happen? ...


12-12-12 Linky

I have a confession to make...I am addicted to Linky Parties!! ("Hi my name is Gina and I'm hooked on Linkys!") I think they are so much fun! I get to meet new bloggers and read what everyone is up to. Today, Stacy at Simpson's Superstars, is hosting a 12-12-12 party.  I ...


A Few of My Favorite Things...12 in '12 Linky

Oh, this is a fun one! I am linking up with Kristin and Hadar for this cool 12 in '12 party. The idea is to list 12 of your favorite things from 2012.  I have decided to use a few prompts from the Linky Party list and add a few of my own TOPs from the past year: #12 ...

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