The first one is Poetry Lessons by Georgia Heard. This book speaks about the importance of keeping poetry alive in our classrooms and offers tons of lesson and activities. One of my favorite quotes from the books is: "From poetry we learn the language of heart and soul. No one is going to write a resume with the language of poetry, but there are many enjoyable life experiences that reach beyond our career paths and help us become more well-rounded, compassionate, and empathetic human beings."
I love that quote and I think it's so true for poetry and literature. During my reading trainings this summer, we talk about CCSS which puts an emphasis on informational text, especially in the upper grades. I hope that teachers don't get so caught up in nonfiction that they forget the importance of literature. Literature is where we teach so many analytical thinking skills. Students connect with stories and characters. Literature can help kids see different points of view. Poetry is the same. I feel like we have to have a good balance of all genres, remembering that there is a place for poetry in our classrooms. It can help us teach so many higher level thinking skills and the kids love it!
The next two books that arrived today are:
I have read many professional books that use mentor texts to teach writing. Personally, it's the only way I know! I think it's something many of us already do. The last chapter of both books is called A Treasure Chest of Books. The chapter is a bibliography of mentor texts organized according to writing traits addressed throughout the book.
Every once in a while I like to refresh my professional library and I think these three books are going to be valuable resources. I'm excited to start implementing some of the activities into my teaching.
If you're like me (and I know you are) you spend your own money on supplies and materials for your classroom and students. Every place I go I ask, "Do you give teacher discounts?" I figure it can't never know. I do frequent craft stores, especially Jo-ann's. If you do not have a teacher rewards card for Jo-ann's, click ❀HERE❀ to apply for your card today. You will get 15% off your total purchase every time you shop (full priced and discounted items) and they will give you a 20% off coupon for signing up. Remember that Michael's, AC Moore, Barnes & Noble, and Office Depot have discount and/or rewards cards for teachers. Some of these have to be renewed every year so be sure to update today and be ready to start the new year!
Every once in a while I like to refresh my professional library and I think these three books are going to be valuable resources. I'm excited to start implementing some of the activities into my teaching.
If you're like me (and I know you are) you spend your own money on supplies and materials for your classroom and students. Every place I go I ask, "Do you give teacher discounts?" I figure it can't never know. I do frequent craft stores, especially Jo-ann's. If you do not have a teacher rewards card for Jo-ann's, click ❀HERE❀ to apply for your card today. You will get 15% off your total purchase every time you shop (full priced and discounted items) and they will give you a 20% off coupon for signing up. Remember that Michael's, AC Moore, Barnes & Noble, and Office Depot have discount and/or rewards cards for teachers. Some of these have to be renewed every year so be sure to update today and be ready to start the new year!
Thanks for sharing the Poetry Lessons resource-it sounds familiar, but I don't have I'm adding to the list! I get nervous about too much emphasis on non-fiction and close reading too! There definitely needs to be balance.
Head Over Heels For Teaching