January Currently

Happy New Year!! It's here...2016 and the end of winter break! It's also time for the CURRENTLY linky with Farley.

So here's what's happening in my life right now!

I cherish the time off with my family. Since hubby is a teacher too, I've always felt so lucky that we can all be home together on breaks. As my kids get older, I am savoring these times together knowing that one day I won't have them all to myself. Time really does fly and they really do grow up so fast!

Speaking of time flying, I can't believe it's already January. There is SO much left to teach. At this time of year, I always start panicking, thinking about how I will get it all done. I need to hit the plan book today and prepare for the weeks ahead. I do find that 3rd graders come back from winter break a little more mature. I hope this is the case this year since we will hit the ground running on Monday!

POSITIVITY.  This is my one little word. It has been my word this school year. With so much being placed on us in the classroom, there are many, many days I find myself feeling down and frustrated. There is so much we are expected to do and accomplish that it starts to feel impossible. I try to remind myself that I can only do what I can do in the time I'm given. I have a life outside of the classroom, too. Balancing school and family and keeping a positive attitude will be my key to "survival" for the remainder of this year. Are you feeling the same pressures? How do you keep balanced? It's helpful to hear what we all do to stay positive!

If you are looking for an activity for BTS on Monday, download my  New Year Freebie!

I hope you all have had a peaceful relaxing winter break and let's look forward to a HAPPY healthy POSITIVE New Year!

1 comment

  1. Hi Gina! Happy New Year! I like that you are trying to stay POSITIVE! I'm right there with you and all the other Florida Teachers! There is so much to do and so little time to do it in. When I finally figure out a good Balance I'll let you know.



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